Public transport operator
Improve your network performance monitoring, optimize your offers and achieve operational excellence with Citio tools.
Why transport operators use our solutions
Millions of pieces of data are generated every day in mobility networks, offering tremendous opportunities for analysis and insight. However, this data is not widely exploited, because obtaining reliable information from it is a costly, technical and time-consuming task. This is why Citio was born.
Since 2018, we have therefore been helping our 40 partner networks by providing them with turnkey and ergonomic tools for analyzing data, enabling them to achieve operational excellence and optimize their offers. Using our tools, they continuously monitor the key indicators of their networks in detail. For example, they can analyze punctuality, passenger movements and journey times in an easy and intuitive way.
Operators who trust us

Our solutions for PTOs

With Transport Analytics, you can dynamically monitor a large amount of public transport indicators 24/7. You may use them to optimize offers and operations. You can also continuously follow precisely the evolution of origin-destination data, with a large spatio-temporal framework.

Access a single, turnkey platform that centralizes all multi-source and multi-mode data and indicators. Design and manage a coherent and integrated global mobility policy. Follow travel in your territory and facilitate the complementarity of mobility offers.

With Fraud Tracker, dynamically follow the evolution of fraud and obtain a more accurate analysis than with field surveys, thanks to the cross-referencing of counting and ticketing data. Thanks to our predictions, facilitate your teams’ work and optimize controls.

With Transport Planner, find and test the optimal transport offer: identify at a glance overloaded routes, places and times when the network is saturated, and test optimization hypotheses by increasing the frequency and comparing various service adaptation scenarios.