Key elements of the use case
Attendance,progress / delays, punctuality, commercial speed… these are the main operational performance indicators that Blérim Hasani, Operations Director at TP2A, monitors very precisely, to adjust the offer while optimizing operations.
T2PA is in charge of operating TAC Mobilités, the urban transport network of the city of Annemasse. They often propose adjustments to their Public Transport Authority (PTA) to improve the network. Adjustments may include removing infrequent stops, adapting timetables, adjusting vehicle sizes and expanding/reducing time slots. These are offered based on demand and network performance, which are closely monitored.
However, the analysis of data from the Operation Support System requires a lot of reprocessing work and field studies with manual counts are ad hoc and too time-consuming for the teams. How can you take advantage of data to continue to optimize the network and its offers, without spending too much time on it?
“Transport Analytics makes it possible to monitor the day-to-day operations efficiently but also to make quick decisions in order to continuously improve the production of the transport offer. I highly recommend it!”
Blérim Hasani, Operations Director at TP2A
Key figures
- 30k€ savings on operating costs with the optimization of operations
- 2-3 FTEs saved each year in data processing and analysis
- Transport offer better adapted to demand
- More effective collaboration between AOM & operator
- Implementation of a continuous improvement process
- Considerable time savings for TP2A teams
- Significant reduction and optimization of operating costs