F.A.Q., frequently asked questions
We have gathered below the questions that we are regularly asked, especially during the first contacts with our customers and partners. If you have a question that is not listed, contact us by clicking here, we would be happy to answer it.
It is directly the operators and / or the communities that give us access to their data, after the signature of the estimate. We do not purchase data from third parties.
We aggregate the data accessible in the public transport sector: the repository (GTFS, NetEx, etc.), Operating System (Operations Assistance System) data, ticketing data, data from counting cells.
It all depends on the level of reliability on your network, because no network has perfect data. A project has never been delayed because of this problem. Our scientific data teams intervene at the start of the project to make the data reliable. Our solutions also have automatic reliability algorithms, because by crossing several data sources, it is possible to improve their reliability.
The only prerequisites are to have data (ticketing, operating systems, counting cells, etc.) and to be able to export it. Our solutions work with all systems and we have already worked with almost all those on the market from our current customers.
We started by integrating all the data related to public transport.
Our prices include an implementation phase, then a license fee which is calculated mainly on the number of vehicles in the network. We do not have catalog prices for our solutions, the price depends on several network parameters. Click here to make an appointment with the sales team, who will qualify your needs before proposing you a quote.
Absolutely ! Just click here and fill out a short form, and the sales team will contact you to arrange an appointment with you to give you a personalized demo of our products, based on your needs.
We invite you to contact our sales team. Click here to make an appointment with the sales team, who will qualify your needs before offering you a quote.
A project manager must be appointed by the network and he will have to attend meetings every 1-2 weeks during the duration of the project (between 1 and 3 months). Technical teams can be called upon mainly at the start of the project and between 1 and 5 days in total over the entire duration of the project.
We estimate the time to set up the project at around 2 months, once the estimate has been signed. This period may be shorter depending on the customer’s responsiveness (3 weeks to integrate the data).
There is no need to have a technical profile to use Citio solutions: they have been designed by UX designers, in other words software user experience specialists, to allow everyone to understand the information provided there intuitively. In addition, our Customer Experience team supports our users on a daily basis to enable them to use our solutions to the fullest of their abilities. To find out more about support at Citio, click here.
Citio’s main shareholder is the RATPDev group, which is one of the TOP 3 public transport operators in France. This link brings us a certain business expertise, allows us to fully understand the needs of our customers, public transport authorities and mobility operators, and is a guarantee of the solidity of our company.
We guarantee the strictest confidentiality and security of our customers’ data, as this is a critical element of our reputation in the market. We guarantee this from a technical point of view with separations between our customer’s environments, but also from a legal point of view by formalizing our commitment in a contract.
We mainly offer the supply of software in Saas mode (Software As A Service), in other words a subscription to have access to our software. Customer support, a key value at Citio, is included in this software subscription. To find out more about our solutions, click here, and about support, click here.
We also offer support services on the transport offer (diagnosis, network projects, consultation), operational performance (operational audit) or mobility policy.
Yes, more than 40 networks work with our solutions on a daily basis to optimize public transport and mobility in general.
Our solutions allow our customers and partners, public transport authorities and mobility operators, to enhance the data generated on their network in a simple and intuitive way, to focus on actions with high impact and high added value. They waste less time gathering information to understand what is happening on their network, and more time analyzing malfunctions and implementing the necessary adjustments to offers and operations.
Yes, we are UGAP referenced.